Themes: Learning and Reinforcement, Motivation in Action, From Theory to Practice, Performance Appraisal and Rewards
"The Expanding the Bench® (ETB) Initiative hosted a Culturally Responsive and Indigenous Evaluation (CRIE)© event presented by Michelle M. Jacob, PhD (Yakama) of Anahuy Mentoring, LLC.
CRIE is a term coined by Advancing Culturally-responsive and Equitable (ACE) Evaluation Network Member Nicole R. Bowman, PhD (Mohican/Lunaape) of Bowman Performance Consulting, LLC. Michelle summarized the main points of CRIE drawing from the published work of Indigenous experts, particularly Waapalaneexkweew Nicole R. Bowman, PhD and Carolee Dodge-Francis, EdD. Michelle practices "The Auntie Way," a kind and fierce educational approach—so that learners feel both invited in and understand they are expected to reach high standards of practice."
Reframing Evaluation: Defining an Indigenous Evaluation Framework
Hunter/Harvester/Guardian Evaluation Toolkit - a toolkit that can help support Indigenous organization and communities to evaluate the impacts of their harvesting, hunting, and guardian programming as well as contribute to the shared learning among Hunter/Harvester/Guardian programs across Indigenous communities.
Culture writes the script: On the centrality of context in indigenous evaluation
Alice J. Kawakami, Kanani Aton, Fiona Cram, Morris K. Lai, and Laurie Porima, "Improving the Practice of Evaluation Through Indigenous Values and Methods: Decolonizing Evaluation Practice--Returning the Gaze from Hawai'i and Aotearoa," Hülili: Multidisciplinary Research on Hawaiian Well-Being, 2007.
Joan LaFrance and Richard Nichols, "Reframing Evaluation: Defining an Indigenous Evaluation Framework," The Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation, 2010.
Joan LaFrance, Richard Nichols, and Karen Kirkhart, "Culture Writes the Script: On the Centrality of Context in Indigenous Evaluation," New Directions for Evaluation, 2012.
Indigenous Evaluation | Urban Indian Health Institute (UIHI)
Indigenous Approaches to Evaluation | NWT on the Land Collaborative
Exploring Indigenous Approaches to Evaluation and Research in the Context of Victim Services and Supports | Gov. Canada
Indigenous Evaluation | Urban Indian Health Institute (UIHI) -scroll down to video
Where Do You Work? Evaluation From an Indigenous Place-Based Perspective