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APA Citation Guide (7th edition) : Images, Charts, Graphs, Maps & Tables


Citing Information From an Image, Chart, Table or Graph

If you refer to information from an image, chart, table, or graph but do not reproduce it in your paper, create a citation both in-text and on your Reference list.

Figure Numbers

Each image you reproduce should be assigned a figure number, starting with number 1 for the first image used in the assignment.


Images may not have a set title. If this is the case give a description of the image where you would normally put the title.

Copyright Information

When reproducing images, include copyright information in the citation if it is given, including the year and the copyright holder. Copyright information on a website may often be found at the bottom of the home page.

Images that require attribution

Note: Applies to Graphs, Charts, Drawings, Maps, Tables and Photographs

Above the figure/table:

  • Write "Figure" or "Table" in bold font, followed by the number, for example, Figure 1
  • Write the figure/table title or description using italic font below the figure/table number
  • Embed image

Below the figure/table:

  • Write Note using italic font
  • Provide further details/explanation about the information in the figure/table/image. Use "From" if reprinted or "Adapted from" if adapted. Followed by a copyright attribution, which is like a reference list entry but in the following order: (title, author, date, site name, URL), Copyright information. 

In your reference list: 

  • Provide a reference list entry for image

Figure 1

Lava the Sled Dog

A black and brown dog looking at the camera

Note:  From Lava [Photograph], by Denali National Park and Preserve, 2013, Flickr

( CC BY 2.0.

Reference List entry: 

Denali National Park and Preserve. (2013). Lava [Photograph]. Flickr.

More examples

The following guides and pages provide additional examples of citing figures, charts and graphs