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SoTL Research

Find More SoTL Journals

Browse Recommendations from other Libraries

Many libraries have lists of recommended SoTL journals, and these are a great starting point for finding SoTL journals. However, CapU may not have access to all of them. 

To find out if CapU has a specific journal:

  1.  Go to the library's website. 
  2. Click on Journals A-Z. If you are off campus, you will need to log in (look for the yellow log in bar at the top of your screen)
  3. Type in the exact title of the journal 

Search for Journals Using Keywords

You can also browse what CapU Library has access to using keywords. To search for SoTL journals by keyword:

  1.  Go to the library's website. 
  2. Click on Journals A-Z. If you are off campus, you will need to log in (look for the yellow log in bar at the top of your screen)
  3. Try different combinations of keywords related to SoTL to browse journal titles. 

Try these keywords in different combinations as a starting point!

  • inquiry 
  • learning
  • teaching 
  • scholarship
  • university teaching

Finding Key Journals

Many libraries have created lists of SoTL journals. Here's some recommendations.