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This guide provides information to Capilano University employees and students regarding copyright, licence agreements, and related topics. This guide does not provide legal advice.

Media: Outside the Classroom

Capilano has entertainment licences for Audio Ciné Films and Criterion Pictures that allows broader use rights outside the ordinary classroom context:

  • The films can be shown anywhere on campus.
  • The film can be shown by someone other than an instructor, e.g. a student club, a staff training event.
  • The audience can include students and staff, with some members of the public present


  • The event must be free to attend -- no cost or cover charge. Showing films at charity fund-raisers is allowed, but only when the cost is purely by donation
  • The licence covers only films that have been released for rental and home purchase; films still in theatrical release are not covered.
  • The primary audience of the event must be members of the institution. Event advertising must be limited to media targeted at the university/college and its students and staff. In the case of print advertising, the advertisements may only appear in campus media (e.g. a student newspaper) and not in general community newspapers.

Is the film you want to show covered by a licence? Check here:

*Please note that some films/DVDs in CapU Library Collection do carry restrictions. These restrictions will be noted on the item's catalogue record.