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Physics and Astronomy

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General materials on Physics are shelved together in the QC classification section. General materials on Astronomy are shelved together in the QB classification section. To assist you in browsing the collection, try the following sample areas: 

  • QC170-197 Atomic physics.
  • QC350-467 Optics. Light
  • QC450-467 Spectroscopy
  • QC474-496.9 Radiation physics (General)
  • QC501-(721) Electricity
  • QC770-798 Nuclear and particle physics. Atomic energy. Radioactivity
  • QC793-793.5 Elementary particle physics
  • QC794.95-798 Radioactivity and radioactive substances
  • QC801-809 Geophysics. Cosmic physics
  • QC811-849 Geomagnetism

  • QB140-237 Practical and spherical astronomy
  • QB275-343 Geodesy
  • QB349-421 Theoretical astronomy and celestial mechanics
  • QB455-456 Astrogeology
  • QB460-466 Astrophysics
  • QB468-480 Non-optical methods of astronomy
  • QB500.5-785 Solar system
  • QB799-903 Stars
  • QB980-991 Cosmogony. Cosmology

Key Databases

  • Taylor & Francis Online - Full-text access to journals from the social sciences, physical sciences, medicine and technology.
  • ScienceDirect - Access to full text peer-reviewed journals published by Elsevier. Multidisciplinary in scope including coverage of the life sciences, physical sciences, social sciences, technology and the humanities.
  • Cambridge Core - Full-text of Cambridge Histories series, including Cambridge History of Science.
  • Sciendo - Open access scientific content.
  • Project MUSE - Peer-reviewed academic journals and electronic books on digital humanities and social science content from over 250 university presses and scholarly societies around the world.
  • NRC Research Press - Full-text access to 15 Canadian science journals from the NRC (National Research Council)
  • JSTOR - Searchable, archival collection of core scholarly arts, humanities, and social sciences journals.
  • arXiv - a free distribution service and an open-access archive for scholarly articles in the fields of physics, mathematics and computer science. arXiv is an openly accessible, moderated repository for scholarly papers in specific scientific disciplines. Materials on this site are not peer-reviewed by arXiv.

Reference Sources