HEPA is a world-renowned interdisciplinary health research centre that fosters excellence in policy-relevant research, education and service to inform fair and sustainable health and social systems.
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is an international organization that works to build better policies for better lives. Its goal is to shape policies that foster prosperity, equality, opportunity and well-being for all.
The Economic and Social Council is at the heart of the United Nations system to advance the three dimensions of sustainable development – economic, social and environmental. It is the central platform for fostering debate and innovative thinking, forging consensus on ways forward, and coordinating efforts to achieve internationally agreed goals.
Searches for publications in the federal Depository Services Program (DSP) collection. Not a complete record of federal government publications (departments sometimes fail to submit their works), but quite comprehensive. Many of the publications are available full-text, in digital format. Selective federal government publications are also available in the CapU library catalogue and in our Canadian Public Policy Collection (CPPC) database.
A collection of publications from Canadian public policy institutes, government agencies, advocacy groups, think-tanks, university research centres and other public interest groups. Formerly known as desLibris or the Canadian Electronic Library (CEL).
The organizations included in this collection represent the leading edge of primary research and opinion in all areas of Canadian public policy. There are more than 20,000 titles in the current collection to date, and the service provides more than 3,000 additional current documents to subscribers each year.
The Weekly Checklist of Canadian Government Publications lists Government of Canada publications that are catalogued and distributed to Depository Libraries by the Depository Services Program.
Searchable list of reports on special or major topics by committees of the Senate and the House of Commons since 1867 to the present. Includes links to full text for recent reports.
Includes MLA biographies, progress of legislation, Hansard's Debates and links to Parliamentary Committees.
Local government websites
Municipal and district web sites feature bylaws, statistics, strategic plans, board reports and a wealth of information on local issues including recycling, transportation, homelessness, air quality and water treatment. Here are a few sites of interest: