Use Discovery to explore all types of resources in the library collection, inclusing books, films, government documents, and online articles from all different publications.
Many CapU Library online resources (databases, electronic books) want to authenticate you to ensure you're a CapU student before giving you access. When you try to access these resources off-campus, and occasionally when you are on campus, this screen will appear.
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Start by searching the library website for resources like books, government documents, and reports, and searching databases for academic and popular articles.
Peer-reviewed is the highest level of academic or scholarly publishing. The quality of the articles is maintained through a review process conducted by experts prior to publication. Not all academic journals are peer-reviewed, but all peer-reviewed journals are academic.
Articles submitted to a refereed or peer-reviewed journal are examined by one or more people with expertise in the field with which the article deals. This process gives the scholartic community assurance that the information in the article is credible and original. Some disciplines require peer-reviewed status more than others.
Search for full text articles, reports, book chapters and more in CapU Library Databases. Connect to the database and enter keywords that represent your topic. If the full text isn't available, click on the Connect to Full Text button to find the item, or to request a copy of the item.
A selection of books and reports, by subject heading.